Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday. We went on our morning walk around the small block. Actually, it was a midday walk - thankfully today was a cooler day. Jazz must be used to the route now as she no longer pulls on the lead. As always, Kane doesn't need the lead.
We had a quiet afternoon.
Later in the afternoon, Kane and I walked over to visit Momo. Miss Molly was there and she barked and barked and growled at Kane. In the end, she was confined to the laundry. I stayed for drinks and dinner, and even Kane was given treats. After a few hours, we walked home. Before we left home, I gave Jazz a bone knuckle. It seems to keep her occupied for hours.
pictures of the walk over
After returning home, we had a rest before canine dinner time.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
visiting Jet and another puppy party
Today was also another exciting day.
This morning we went on our small block walk, but stopped by Jet's place to say hello to him through the gate. Even more exciting, Therese invited us inside the house. Kane has visited before so he was very happy but calm, Jazz on the other hand, was very excited. Therese showed me parts of the house I had never seen like the renovated bathroom and the lowered internal doors with window louvres above to circulate air. Afterwards, we continued around the block.
The rest of the day was spent resting, well for the canines anyway as I continued with more house cleaning.
This evening, Kim came over for dinner. Kane barked when the car pulled into the driveway which he could see from the deck, he then went to the door to bark. Good dog!
Before dinner, we walked to Cook oval via the short loop. There was also a puppy party in session with Kel and two other dogs. Three blond dogs - two Golden Retrievers including Jazz and Kel the Labrador. There was also another old black and white dog who was mostly deaf.
After the walk, the people had barbecued marinated lamb chops and barbecued corn for dinner. Later, Kane had his usual mince and vegetable mix while Jazz had her dietary one cup of dry food.
This morning we went on our small block walk, but stopped by Jet's place to say hello to him through the gate. Even more exciting, Therese invited us inside the house. Kane has visited before so he was very happy but calm, Jazz on the other hand, was very excited. Therese showed me parts of the house I had never seen like the renovated bathroom and the lowered internal doors with window louvres above to circulate air. Afterwards, we continued around the block.
The rest of the day was spent resting, well for the canines anyway as I continued with more house cleaning.
This evening, Kim came over for dinner. Kane barked when the car pulled into the driveway which he could see from the deck, he then went to the door to bark. Good dog!
Before dinner, we walked to Cook oval via the short loop. There was also a puppy party in session with Kel and two other dogs. Three blond dogs - two Golden Retrievers including Jazz and Kel the Labrador. There was also another old black and white dog who was mostly deaf.
After the walk, the people had barbecued marinated lamb chops and barbecued corn for dinner. Later, Kane had his usual mince and vegetable mix while Jazz had her dietary one cup of dry food.
Monday, December 29, 2008
bone, ball and bark
Today was a super Monday.
Early this morning, Kane and I walked to the vet (about 25 minutes from home to there) for Kane's third (of four) Pentosan injection for his arthritis. Beforehand, Kane stepped on the scales and weighed in at 38.6 kg (85.1 lb). Kane is now no longer on a diet, although I suspect not having any chicken wings for a week (with one cup of canine dry food instead, or the three days of turkey necks), and skipping the extra cup of dry food for dinner after the fresh food now and again may be contributing factors. Rather than vary the fresh and healthy food he is eating, Kane can have bigger portions, or more additional dry food, and treats of course.
Anyway, at the vet we saw a little dog who was not friendly at all, so the person carried him/her. After the vet visit, we walked to the hardware store. It's a nice open space away from the road and Kane enjoys those sorts of unleashed walks - freedom walks.
After the hardware store, we walked home via Macquarie oval and called in to visit Jack and his new house mate Tippy, a Chihuahua, through their gate. From there, we called by Jake's place. As Kane could not visit (Sue was sleeping following a late shift at the hospital), we invited Jake to come back with us.

Our outing took nearly two hours - Kane's quality time with me, while Jazz was left at home on the deck. Jake's visit was a lot of fun. Kane just wanted to have a rest after such a long walk, so Jack and Jazz chased each other in the backyard. Jazz was still possessive of her bone, while Jake found a ball and wanted to play.
After a few hours of play and rest, Jake's person Sue came over to collect him. I spent the rest of the afternoon moving furniture around in the living/lounge room.
Later this afternoon, we went on another walk (moreso for Jazz and for more carrots). As we walked out the door, Kane spotted somebody walking past so he barked, then Jazz barked. Kane has been exerting his territorial warning bark of late.
We walked to the shops via the woods and then home via the alleys.
Early this morning, Kane and I walked to the vet (about 25 minutes from home to there) for Kane's third (of four) Pentosan injection for his arthritis. Beforehand, Kane stepped on the scales and weighed in at 38.6 kg (85.1 lb). Kane is now no longer on a diet, although I suspect not having any chicken wings for a week (with one cup of canine dry food instead, or the three days of turkey necks), and skipping the extra cup of dry food for dinner after the fresh food now and again may be contributing factors. Rather than vary the fresh and healthy food he is eating, Kane can have bigger portions, or more additional dry food, and treats of course.
Anyway, at the vet we saw a little dog who was not friendly at all, so the person carried him/her. After the vet visit, we walked to the hardware store. It's a nice open space away from the road and Kane enjoys those sorts of unleashed walks - freedom walks.
After the hardware store, we walked home via Macquarie oval and called in to visit Jack and his new house mate Tippy, a Chihuahua, through their gate. From there, we called by Jake's place. As Kane could not visit (Sue was sleeping following a late shift at the hospital), we invited Jake to come back with us.
Our outing took nearly two hours - Kane's quality time with me, while Jazz was left at home on the deck. Jake's visit was a lot of fun. Kane just wanted to have a rest after such a long walk, so Jack and Jazz chased each other in the backyard. Jazz was still possessive of her bone, while Jake found a ball and wanted to play.
After a few hours of play and rest, Jake's person Sue came over to collect him. I spent the rest of the afternoon moving furniture around in the living/lounge room.
Later this afternoon, we went on another walk (moreso for Jazz and for more carrots). As we walked out the door, Kane spotted somebody walking past so he barked, then Jazz barked. Kane has been exerting his territorial warning bark of late.
We walked to the shops via the woods and then home via the alleys.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
finally, a puppy party
Today was a rather odd day. I meant to do some house cleaning and started on the floor, but it didn't get very far. Kane has never minded the vacuum cleaner, but Jazz kept her distance.
This morning we went on the small block walk. Uneventful.
The afternoon was also just lying about, both human and canines.
Late in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval via the back alley. There was a puppy party in session. We haven't been to one for sometime, as we are usually too late. Desker and Tully were there, as well as Jack the Labradoodle, little Tai and a Staffordshire Terrier called Buddy who was restrained as he was not well socialised. Buddy also still had his balls, which is a major factor in not getting along with other dogs. After a little while playing with the other pups, we walked to the little shop nearby, and then home. It was a great 50 minute outing.
Kane has been barking a lot lately, especially at passersby that he spots from the deck. Usually I go to the door to see, and Kane comes over and keeps barking. I think that he is demonstrating to Jazz that he is the guard dog of the house and at the same time reinforcing his territorial ownership and his higher position in our pack.
Strangely, while Jazz is a gobbler of her meals, both Kane and Jazz are polite and do not compete for food, leaving each other alone to eat out of their own bowls. Thank goodness!
This morning we went on the small block walk. Uneventful.
The afternoon was also just lying about, both human and canines.
Late in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval via the back alley. There was a puppy party in session. We haven't been to one for sometime, as we are usually too late. Desker and Tully were there, as well as Jack the Labradoodle, little Tai and a Staffordshire Terrier called Buddy who was restrained as he was not well socialised. Buddy also still had his balls, which is a major factor in not getting along with other dogs. After a little while playing with the other pups, we walked to the little shop nearby, and then home. It was a great 50 minute outing.
Kane has been barking a lot lately, especially at passersby that he spots from the deck. Usually I go to the door to see, and Kane comes over and keeps barking. I think that he is demonstrating to Jazz that he is the guard dog of the house and at the same time reinforcing his territorial ownership and his higher position in our pack.
Strangely, while Jazz is a gobbler of her meals, both Kane and Jazz are polite and do not compete for food, leaving each other alone to eat out of their own bowls. Thank goodness!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
a busy and exciting day, but we forgot something
Today was an interesting day full of excitement.
It was meant to be a warm day today, so I gave Kane a bath in the morning. This time, he preferred to sit through most of it instead of standing up, so I had to say "up" to shampoo his belly area.
Afterwards, it ended up being a cooler day - overcast with rain clouds, so I distracted Jazz with a bone on the deck while Kane and I walked to the shops the short way. When we arrived we saw Nellie, who was really excited to see Kane. We had not seen her for many months, not having walked to Macquarie oval.
When I had finished in the supermarket, I walked out to a huge thunderstorm with heavy rain. Thankfully, there was a break in the storm and Kane and I walked home the short way.
In the afternoon, a pay-TV salesman knocked on the door (rang the door chime) and both Jazz and Kane barked. In the end, I took up the offer - it worked out cheaper than buying DVDs regularly and I wanted the sports channels for the football. While the salesman was here, Therese from two doors up also rang the door chime, but Jazz and Kane had used up their door bark and were silent! In any case, Kane knows Therese.
After the salesman left, Therese stayed for a cup of tea.
It has been raining on and off for the rest of the day and evening, so we didn't go on any more walks. Poor Jazz.
Unfortunately, in all the excitement of the day and forgetting what day of the week it is, we forgot Kane's vet appointment! Early Monday morning it will have to be.
It was meant to be a warm day today, so I gave Kane a bath in the morning. This time, he preferred to sit through most of it instead of standing up, so I had to say "up" to shampoo his belly area.
Afterwards, it ended up being a cooler day - overcast with rain clouds, so I distracted Jazz with a bone on the deck while Kane and I walked to the shops the short way. When we arrived we saw Nellie, who was really excited to see Kane. We had not seen her for many months, not having walked to Macquarie oval.
When I had finished in the supermarket, I walked out to a huge thunderstorm with heavy rain. Thankfully, there was a break in the storm and Kane and I walked home the short way.
In the afternoon, a pay-TV salesman knocked on the door (rang the door chime) and both Jazz and Kane barked. In the end, I took up the offer - it worked out cheaper than buying DVDs regularly and I wanted the sports channels for the football. While the salesman was here, Therese from two doors up also rang the door chime, but Jazz and Kane had used up their door bark and were silent! In any case, Kane knows Therese.
After the salesman left, Therese stayed for a cup of tea.
It has been raining on and off for the rest of the day and evening, so we didn't go on any more walks. Poor Jazz.
Unfortunately, in all the excitement of the day and forgetting what day of the week it is, we forgot Kane's vet appointment! Early Monday morning it will have to be.
Friday, December 26, 2008
the bone fiend and chatty Kane
This morning we went on the small walk around the block while it was still cool. Kim came over in the late morning and both Kane and Jazz barked at the door. I then left with Kim for a few hours for lunch. I had given both a bone each before Kim arrived. Kane had started on a marrow bone while Jazz ignored her knuckle. Kane then left his marrow and started on the knuckle while Jazz took to Kane's marrow bone. It was funny to watch.
Jazz is also a bone fiend who is very possessive of her bones and carries it around. The other day she even buried one. I have also had to tell her not to bring them inside the house.
I returned later in the afternoon, but it was still quite warm. Both had an early dinner and after a rest we went on our loop walk to Cook oval, then along the path next to the woods (it was becoming too dark to traipse through the 'forest'), and the alleys home. Strangely, it still took 40 minutes.
Before our walk though, Kane started barking while on the deck, with Scotch next door barking back. I opened the front door and Kane continued barking while looking out the front screen door. I think he was telling everybody something as he was quite chatty. He knows if he barks that I will look to see what gained his attention.

Jazz is also a bone fiend who is very possessive of her bones and carries it around. The other day she even buried one. I have also had to tell her not to bring them inside the house.
I returned later in the afternoon, but it was still quite warm. Both had an early dinner and after a rest we went on our loop walk to Cook oval, then along the path next to the woods (it was becoming too dark to traipse through the 'forest'), and the alleys home. Strangely, it still took 40 minutes.
Before our walk though, Kane started barking while on the deck, with Scotch next door barking back. I opened the front door and Kane continued barking while looking out the front screen door. I think he was telling everybody something as he was quite chatty. He knows if he barks that I will look to see what gained his attention.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
This morning we went on the small block walk as it was cooler.
I was supposed to be out today, initially for lunch which was re-arranged to dinner, but a phone call in the morning about a death in the family, changed all that and I stayed home to progress long distance arrangements.
It was good to be home with Kane (and Jazz), unfussed by Christmas.
I didn't do anything special for Kane as everyday is special.
I was supposed to be out today, initially for lunch which was re-arranged to dinner, but a phone call in the morning about a death in the family, changed all that and I stayed home to progress long distance arrangements.
It was good to be home with Kane (and Jazz), unfussed by Christmas.
I didn't do anything special for Kane as everyday is special.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
finally, the big loop walk
The first night with two canines in the house was peaceful. Thankfully, Jazz sleeps through the entire night, just like Kane. The only time Kane has a restless night is if he is thirsty because his medication isn't working.
Early this morning, Margaret came around and I accompanied her to the local market to help her select prawns and scallops, which wasn't necessary in the end as there were too many customers. Afterwards, we all returned home including Momo. It was mayhem with Momo and Jazz playing chase me.

It was a cooler day today so we went on our big loop walk in the early afternoon - to Cook shops from the back way short cut, around the oval, then on through the woods and the the alleys home. Along the woods we detoured for a quick visit to Millhouse's place. It was a contrast walking Jazz on a very short and tight leash as she pulls. Kane is such a pleasure to walk with, and indeed this time was unleashed as usual - there is a level of trust between us. Strangely, the walk still took the usual 40 minutes.
This afternoon, I did some more gardening, cutting down some bamboo from the front yard.
Later in the afternoon, I left for a few hours going out to dinner at a former work colleague's house. I returned in the evening, with canine dinners served up 90 minutes later than usual. I've decided that it is easier to give Jazz her dinner first outside and close the door before giving Kane his dinner inside.
Early this morning, Margaret came around and I accompanied her to the local market to help her select prawns and scallops, which wasn't necessary in the end as there were too many customers. Afterwards, we all returned home including Momo. It was mayhem with Momo and Jazz playing chase me.
It was a cooler day today so we went on our big loop walk in the early afternoon - to Cook shops from the back way short cut, around the oval, then on through the woods and the the alleys home. Along the woods we detoured for a quick visit to Millhouse's place. It was a contrast walking Jazz on a very short and tight leash as she pulls. Kane is such a pleasure to walk with, and indeed this time was unleashed as usual - there is a level of trust between us. Strangely, the walk still took the usual 40 minutes.
This afternoon, I did some more gardening, cutting down some bamboo from the front yard.
Later in the afternoon, I left for a few hours going out to dinner at a former work colleague's house. I returned in the evening, with canine dinners served up 90 minutes later than usual. I've decided that it is easier to give Jazz her dinner first outside and close the door before giving Kane his dinner inside.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jazz visiting
Last night was quite warm and I left Kane out on the deck where it was cooler. At 4am, I awoke to a thunderstorm, so I had to wake Kane to bring him inside. He didn't even notice the thunder.
This morning, Kane barked at the door - it was Jazz the Golden Retriever coming over to stay for a week over Christmas while her people are away. Kane liked her visiting initially, but then lost interest.
We went for a morning walk around the block to calm Jazz down as she started fretting. Later, I gave both of them bones. Strangely, Jazz didn't take hers, but later took Kane's after he lost interest. I then gave Kane another one and left both of them to go to the shops and the markets. Given the inclement weather, it would have been difficult taking both on such a walk.
Early in the afternoon, Kim came over for lunch, bringing my IKEA order of small items. We had chipolatas and bacon cooked on the barbecue with a salad, and then watched a video - Starter for 10.
Dinner time was interesting. I used to think that Kane gobbled his food, but compared to Jazz, he eats slowly. I also had to ensure that Kane ate all his own dinner, given the medication in it.
This morning, Kane barked at the door - it was Jazz the Golden Retriever coming over to stay for a week over Christmas while her people are away. Kane liked her visiting initially, but then lost interest.
We went for a morning walk around the block to calm Jazz down as she started fretting. Later, I gave both of them bones. Strangely, Jazz didn't take hers, but later took Kane's after he lost interest. I then gave Kane another one and left both of them to go to the shops and the markets. Given the inclement weather, it would have been difficult taking both on such a walk.
Early in the afternoon, Kim came over for lunch, bringing my IKEA order of small items. We had chipolatas and bacon cooked on the barbecue with a salad, and then watched a video - Starter for 10.
Dinner time was interesting. I used to think that Kane gobbled his food, but compared to Jazz, he eats slowly. I also had to ensure that Kane ate all his own dinner, given the medication in it.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday market walk
Again, the morning passed us by. Most importantly, Kane did have his one wing for breakfast at the usual time. The rest of the morning was spent doing laundry, even though I had planned that we would be out by 9.30 am, then 10.30am...
In the end, we left at 11.30am to walk to the markets. Though starting to warm, there was still a cool breeze. At the markets Kane had a drink of water and then we said hello to Splat the resident cat at the pet store. We then stocked up on a 15 kg bag of Advance dry food. It should last three months, at one cup a day - except for Wednesday when Kane has another cup for breakfast (after his six day supply of chicken wings has finished).
It was only a quick stay and we walked home, with me carrying 15 kg. It became a little warm so we made a pit stop for rest and water by visiting Jake. Jake was happy to see Kane. I even gave Jake a belly rub, of which Kane did not approve but tolerated.
In the afternoon, I left Kane with a bone knuckle to go into the city for a short time.
Later this afternoon, Kane barked at someone from the deck. Then Scotch next door starting barking. We didn't go on another walk this evening.
In the end, we left at 11.30am to walk to the markets. Though starting to warm, there was still a cool breeze. At the markets Kane had a drink of water and then we said hello to Splat the resident cat at the pet store. We then stocked up on a 15 kg bag of Advance dry food. It should last three months, at one cup a day - except for Wednesday when Kane has another cup for breakfast (after his six day supply of chicken wings has finished).
It was only a quick stay and we walked home, with me carrying 15 kg. It became a little warm so we made a pit stop for rest and water by visiting Jake. Jake was happy to see Kane. I even gave Jake a belly rub, of which Kane did not approve but tolerated.
In the afternoon, I left Kane with a bone knuckle to go into the city for a short time.
Later this afternoon, Kane barked at someone from the deck. Then Scotch next door starting barking. We didn't go on another walk this evening.
Kane's blog is valued at 13 billion dollars
According to, this blog is valued at $13,192,731,055.
I didn't set up a stat counter, so the number of visitors to this site are unknown.
This blog was set up to keep Kane's family and friends informed of his well-being and adventures.
Obviously, Kane has a big following out there.
Kane says thank you. woof!
I didn't set up a stat counter, so the number of visitors to this site are unknown.
This blog was set up to keep Kane's family and friends informed of his well-being and adventures.
Obviously, Kane has a big following out there.
Kane says thank you. woof!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
dull Sunday
Today was mostly a day of rest. I meant to take Kane to the markets this morning, but the morning just went by.
Of course, Kane didn't really mind as he liked having me around during the day.
Late in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval in a loop. We said hello to Tosca and a few other new dogs, and on the way home, a new Border Collie. We also called past the neighbours on the way home as they enjoy fussing Kane.
Of course, Kane didn't really mind as he liked having me around during the day.
Late in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval in a loop. We said hello to Tosca and a few other new dogs, and on the way home, a new Border Collie. We also called past the neighbours on the way home as they enjoy fussing Kane.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
the vet, again and visiting Tobey, Millhouse and Dusty
Today was an almost Kane Day.
This morning, Margie came over and we went to visit the vet for Kane's second (of four) Pentosan injection and a supply of Epibrom (to prevent epileptic seizures). Kane yelped when the vet put the needle in. Poor puppy, I said "did the scary man hurt you?"
Afterwards, Margie had to go to the local pharmacy so Kane and I waited outside. He likes watching people walking past.

Afterwards, Margie dropped us home.
A Border Collie cross called Tobey was visiting next door in the morning, so Kane and I went over to visit. Janey mentioned she had visited the RSPCA so we may have a canine neighbour. Woohoo - that will be canine pals on all three sides - Scotch on our left, Sofie behind, and a new puppy on our right. Actually, Scotch isn't much of a pal and growls at Kane.
In the early afternoon, we walked to the shops and back via the woods, around the shops and via the alleys (red line - the blue line is the usual small block walk which we didn't do today). On the way to the shops, we stopped by a new townhouse development near the shops. Two people there fussed over Kane, which he enjoyed. Before the shops, we also called in to visit Millhouse.

Later this afternoon, while on the deck, Kane barked - he had spotted Dusty at his house across the road. So we went across the road for a quick visit to say hello. They had their stormwater underground pipes replaced for $5000. Yikes.
This morning, Margie came over and we went to visit the vet for Kane's second (of four) Pentosan injection and a supply of Epibrom (to prevent epileptic seizures). Kane yelped when the vet put the needle in. Poor puppy, I said "did the scary man hurt you?"
Afterwards, Margie had to go to the local pharmacy so Kane and I waited outside. He likes watching people walking past.
Afterwards, Margie dropped us home.
A Border Collie cross called Tobey was visiting next door in the morning, so Kane and I went over to visit. Janey mentioned she had visited the RSPCA so we may have a canine neighbour. Woohoo - that will be canine pals on all three sides - Scotch on our left, Sofie behind, and a new puppy on our right. Actually, Scotch isn't much of a pal and growls at Kane.
In the early afternoon, we walked to the shops and back via the woods, around the shops and via the alleys (red line - the blue line is the usual small block walk which we didn't do today). On the way to the shops, we stopped by a new townhouse development near the shops. Two people there fussed over Kane, which he enjoyed. Before the shops, we also called in to visit Millhouse.
Later this afternoon, while on the deck, Kane barked - he had spotted Dusty at his house across the road. So we went across the road for a quick visit to say hello. They had their stormwater underground pipes replaced for $5000. Yikes.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday, at ease
We went on the small block walk this morning. It's actually a territorial patrol. Kane always marks the front of Jet's place.
This evening, Robert and Helen came over for dinner (barbecue with marinated pork chops and bison and goat sausages, with Caesar and Soba noodle salads) and Kane barked when they were at the door. It was also a low deep bark - usually, it is a puppy-sounding yip.
After dinner, we went on the small block walk. It was too cold to stay out for too long (for the humans).
This evening, Robert and Helen came over for dinner (barbecue with marinated pork chops and bison and goat sausages, with Caesar and Soba noodle salads) and Kane barked when they were at the door. It was also a low deep bark - usually, it is a puppy-sounding yip.
After dinner, we went on the small block walk. It was too cold to stay out for too long (for the humans).
Thursday, December 18, 2008
just like Tuesday
Today was just like Tuesday. In fact, that post could be reproduced here.
Aside from this morning's small block walk, today has been a rest day. Perhaps we should have more rest days.Just like that, including the bark.
Kane was still alert though. From the deck he barked, and then went to the front door and barked. I didn't see anybody, so it may have been another canine on their walk.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
a special day
Today was a very special day. It was 17 December last year that Kane arrived, for minding while Margie and her family were away.
The minding finished on 10 February and Kane returned to his family. Fortunately, a week later on 17 February, he returned to me permanently.
Aside from the times I have been away and Kane stayed with his other family, he has been with me ever since. It has been a wonderful year.
We had a rest from walking this morning.
To celebrate the special day, both Kane and I had the same dinner - barbecued fish fillets with mushy boiled carrots and zucchini. He also had dry food afterwards as usual, but I passed sharing that.
We went on our walk later in the night to the shops. It was the short way there and back as there was a light drizzle. We hadn't been on a walk since yesterday morning, which was a decent break in physical activity for Kane.
The minding finished on 10 February and Kane returned to his family. Fortunately, a week later on 17 February, he returned to me permanently.
Aside from the times I have been away and Kane stayed with his other family, he has been with me ever since. It has been a wonderful year.
We had a rest from walking this morning.
To celebrate the special day, both Kane and I had the same dinner - barbecued fish fillets with mushy boiled carrots and zucchini. He also had dry food afterwards as usual, but I passed sharing that.
We went on our walk later in the night to the shops. It was the short way there and back as there was a light drizzle. We hadn't been on a walk since yesterday morning, which was a decent break in physical activity for Kane.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday rest day
Aside from this morning's small block walk, today has been a rest day. Perhaps we should have more rest days.
Kane was still alert though. From the deck he barked, and then went to the front door and barked. I didn't see anybody, so it may have been another canine on their walk.
Kane was still alert though. From the deck he barked, and then went to the front door and barked. I didn't see anybody, so it may have been another canine on their walk.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, at ease
We went on the small block walk this morning, which is more like a patrol than an exercise walk.
This evening, we walked to Cook oval via a loop but kept the walk relatively short - 25 minutes, by not including the walk through the woods. Along the way there, we met an elderly Blue Heeler. She was younger but much slower than Kane.
This evening, we walked to Cook oval via a loop but kept the walk relatively short - 25 minutes, by not including the walk through the woods. Along the way there, we met an elderly Blue Heeler. She was younger but much slower than Kane.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Jake, Splat and Millhouse
Today was a wonderful Sunday. It was cool most of the day. Kane and I went on one big walk without any problems compared to last Sunday.
Firstly we went to visit Jake. It was also a lot of fun. Jake was really happy to see Kane and spent a lot of time smelling Kane. I think Jake wanted to remember how a doggy scent smelled as he had a bath earlier today.
We then walked to the markets to the pet store. We said hello to Splat the resident cat. Splat is quite used to Kane now.
We left with worming treatment, and a smoked pig snout.
From the markets we walked the long way home via the woods and dropped by Millhouse's place. He was there with Gretel, but the people weren't. Millhouse was very excited to see Kane through their gate.
Then we continued home along the woods. Along the way, we noticed trees laden with apricots, plums, apples, pears and figs. The next few months are going to be good as we will be able to pick ripe fruit overhanging outside of people's yards. Must bring a bag on those walks.
Kane received his worming treatment with dinner tonight. First with a Drontal chewable, then the ProHeart tablet for large dogs (136 mcg Moxidectin) in his dinner.
Unfortunately, I was ignorant about canine worming treatment and thought it was a once a year administration by vets. Thankfully, heartworm is very rare in Canberra and Kane has not picked up intestinal worms so far from socialising with other dogs (I check his poo when they drop).
Firstly we went to visit Jake. It was also a lot of fun. Jake was really happy to see Kane and spent a lot of time smelling Kane. I think Jake wanted to remember how a doggy scent smelled as he had a bath earlier today.
We then walked to the markets to the pet store. We said hello to Splat the resident cat. Splat is quite used to Kane now.
We left with worming treatment, and a smoked pig snout.
From the markets we walked the long way home via the woods and dropped by Millhouse's place. He was there with Gretel, but the people weren't. Millhouse was very excited to see Kane through their gate.
Then we continued home along the woods. Along the way, we noticed trees laden with apricots, plums, apples, pears and figs. The next few months are going to be good as we will be able to pick ripe fruit overhanging outside of people's yards. Must bring a bag on those walks.
Kane received his worming treatment with dinner tonight. First with a Drontal chewable, then the ProHeart tablet for large dogs (136 mcg Moxidectin) in his dinner.
Unfortunately, I was ignorant about canine worming treatment and thought it was a once a year administration by vets. Thankfully, heartworm is very rare in Canberra and Kane has not picked up intestinal worms so far from socialising with other dogs (I check his poo when they drop).
Saturday, December 13, 2008
visiting the vet, and then visiting Millhouse
Today was a strange day. The sky wanted to release some rain, but nothing precipitated.
This morning we walked the small block loop. Half an hour later, Margie arrived and we went to visit the vet. We used the scales and Kane now weighs 39.2 kg (86.4 lb), his ideal weight.
Kane was given a C5 vaccination (against Parvovirus, Distemper, Canine Infectious Hepatitis, Bordetella and Canine parainfluenza virus). He also received a 'booster' of Pentosan for his arthritis, with another three injections over the next three weeks. It was back on 26 April that Kane was first on Pentosan and he was much heavier then, at 45.2 kg.
The vet also recommended Drontal worming tablets. In fact, I had not been worming him over the last 12 months. Oh dear. Must remember them at the supermarket.
At the vet clinic, we met some cool dogs, especially Lindsay a Bouvier Des Flandres who I thought was an English Sheepdog/Poodle cross. She was very friendly. Her paw was injured and the skin had come off near a claw. Poor puppy.
After a short rest after returning home, we walked to the shops via the woods and Millhouse's place to say hello. Millhouse had company, a poodle called Gretel. After the shops, we didn't go around the complex, but walked straight home via the alleys. It's a decent length walk these days for Kane.
We did have a date arranged with Millhouse at Cook oval, but Kane was tired after the shop walk.
This morning we walked the small block loop. Half an hour later, Margie arrived and we went to visit the vet. We used the scales and Kane now weighs 39.2 kg (86.4 lb), his ideal weight.
Kane was given a C5 vaccination (against Parvovirus, Distemper, Canine Infectious Hepatitis, Bordetella and Canine parainfluenza virus). He also received a 'booster' of Pentosan for his arthritis, with another three injections over the next three weeks. It was back on 26 April that Kane was first on Pentosan and he was much heavier then, at 45.2 kg.
The vet also recommended Drontal worming tablets. In fact, I had not been worming him over the last 12 months. Oh dear. Must remember them at the supermarket.
At the vet clinic, we met some cool dogs, especially Lindsay a Bouvier Des Flandres who I thought was an English Sheepdog/Poodle cross. She was very friendly. Her paw was injured and the skin had come off near a claw. Poor puppy.
After a short rest after returning home, we walked to the shops via the woods and Millhouse's place to say hello. Millhouse had company, a poodle called Gretel. After the shops, we didn't go around the complex, but walked straight home via the alleys. It's a decent length walk these days for Kane.
We did have a date arranged with Millhouse at Cook oval, but Kane was tired after the shop walk.
Friday, December 12, 2008
raining and pouring, where is the old man snoring?
Poor puppy. It was been raining all day, so we didn't go on a walk this evening.
Just as well we had a morning small block walk.
Just as well we had a morning small block walk.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
more strange people
Today was nearly an exciting day.
The morning small block walk is now firmly entrenched in our daily routine.
I returned home earlier today, accompanied by Leigh who is visiting from Brisbane for training. Not only that, but two people from the RSPCA were waiting, and came in as well. They were dressed in suits. One was Louise whom I arranged a few weeks ago to visit, and she had brought Michael the Chief Executive. They were early. I donated the rest of my extensive coin collection to the RSPCA and they came today to collect. They also liked meeting Kane. Leigh thought I might have been in trouble with them until I explained the purpose of their visit.
After they left, Leigh and I had a drink on the deck. I enjoy catching up with Leigh who is great value. Kane took a liking to him. Then Leigh left.
Later on, Emily came over for dinner and Kane barked at her at the door. I made roast turkey hindquarter, roast unpeeled potatoes and unpeeled butternut pumpkin, and blanched asparagus. Kane had his dinner before us, which was cold baked Gemfish fillet (from last night).
An hour or so after dinner, we walked to the shops and back. It was for more milk. Kane tired towards the end as we were near home. Poor puppy. I don't think he can walk as far as he used to.
The morning small block walk is now firmly entrenched in our daily routine.
I returned home earlier today, accompanied by Leigh who is visiting from Brisbane for training. Not only that, but two people from the RSPCA were waiting, and came in as well. They were dressed in suits. One was Louise whom I arranged a few weeks ago to visit, and she had brought Michael the Chief Executive. They were early. I donated the rest of my extensive coin collection to the RSPCA and they came today to collect. They also liked meeting Kane. Leigh thought I might have been in trouble with them until I explained the purpose of their visit.
After they left, Leigh and I had a drink on the deck. I enjoy catching up with Leigh who is great value. Kane took a liking to him. Then Leigh left.
Later on, Emily came over for dinner and Kane barked at her at the door. I made roast turkey hindquarter, roast unpeeled potatoes and unpeeled butternut pumpkin, and blanched asparagus. Kane had his dinner before us, which was cold baked Gemfish fillet (from last night).
An hour or so after dinner, we walked to the shops and back. It was for more milk. Kane tired towards the end as we were near home. Poor puppy. I don't think he can walk as far as he used to.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jake's visit
We went on the usual morning small block walk which was rather uneventful.
I returned home with Mary whom I bumped into at the markets. She wanted to come over to see what had changed with the yard. While she was here, I watered the bay tree pot plant and then the tap kept running after being turned off. Mary turned off the water at the mains while I unscrewed the tap to remove the washer. Coincidentally, a plumber was working at the house across the road and he sold me a new washer for $2, saving the trip to the hardware store.
Then Kane barked at the door. It was Jake coming over for a visit on his way to Cook oval, but we were all in the front yard. Mary departed and then Jake with Sue, with our new directions on the short cut to the oval.
Not long after, Kane and I went on our walk to Cook oval. As there was some organised sporting activity on with children, we stayed off the oval until they left. Then Jake and Kane wandered on. We were soon joined by Melba, who had been shorn, and Adam.
Melba didn't stay long, and soon we left and then Jake and Sue came for a quick visit and so Jake could have a drink.
And, nothing else much happened.
Another fairly good joint day.
I returned home with Mary whom I bumped into at the markets. She wanted to come over to see what had changed with the yard. While she was here, I watered the bay tree pot plant and then the tap kept running after being turned off. Mary turned off the water at the mains while I unscrewed the tap to remove the washer. Coincidentally, a plumber was working at the house across the road and he sold me a new washer for $2, saving the trip to the hardware store.
Then Kane barked at the door. It was Jake coming over for a visit on his way to Cook oval, but we were all in the front yard. Mary departed and then Jake with Sue, with our new directions on the short cut to the oval.
Not long after, Kane and I went on our walk to Cook oval. As there was some organised sporting activity on with children, we stayed off the oval until they left. Then Jake and Kane wandered on. We were soon joined by Melba, who had been shorn, and Adam.
Melba didn't stay long, and soon we left and then Jake and Sue came for a quick visit and so Jake could have a drink.
And, nothing else much happened.
Another fairly good joint day.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
stop the noise
Today was a better joint day.
This morning, we went on our usual small block walk before I left for work.
I also surprised Kane by returning home early, prior to 1pm. I found him lying on brick paving outside of the deck area. It must be a nice and cool spot.
Soon after, the alarm technician arrived to install a burglar alarm system. Kane barked at him at the door, and all without my prompting. Later, another technician arrived and it took two of them three hours to do the job, which involved a lot of wiring.
At one stage, the alarm was tested - with a loud high pitch siren going inside and outside the house. Kane didn't seem to take any notice, the pitch may be too high for his hearing in old age.
Later in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval where we saw and greeted Tai and Margot, and then walked home again, the short way. It was a moderate meandering walk to give Kane's joints a rest, but still exercise them.
This morning, we went on our usual small block walk before I left for work.
I also surprised Kane by returning home early, prior to 1pm. I found him lying on brick paving outside of the deck area. It must be a nice and cool spot.
Soon after, the alarm technician arrived to install a burglar alarm system. Kane barked at him at the door, and all without my prompting. Later, another technician arrived and it took two of them three hours to do the job, which involved a lot of wiring.
At one stage, the alarm was tested - with a loud high pitch siren going inside and outside the house. Kane didn't seem to take any notice, the pitch may be too high for his hearing in old age.
Later in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval where we saw and greeted Tai and Margot, and then walked home again, the short way. It was a moderate meandering walk to give Kane's joints a rest, but still exercise them.
Monday, December 8, 2008
a better day
This morning, we went on the small block walk. Kane's joints were much better.
Earlier, a magpie decided to visit Kane's space on the deck and look for bone crumbs stuck to the bath mat, which Kane uses as a table napkin.

After I returned home from work, I continued with the fence painting. By the time I finished, it was Kane's dinner time and the side fence/gate is now all green. Again, Kane supervised me by lying on the drive way. We saw an unfamiliar dog walk past and Kane barked a few times.
An hour after dinner, we went on a walk to the shops and then home via the alleys, without the usual walk around the outside of the complex. Kane also walked at a decent canter and a good steady pace. He was tired by the time we returned home though.
Earlier, a magpie decided to visit Kane's space on the deck and look for bone crumbs stuck to the bath mat, which Kane uses as a table napkin.
After I returned home from work, I continued with the fence painting. By the time I finished, it was Kane's dinner time and the side fence/gate is now all green. Again, Kane supervised me by lying on the drive way. We saw an unfamiliar dog walk past and Kane barked a few times.
An hour after dinner, we went on a walk to the shops and then home via the alleys, without the usual walk around the outside of the complex. Kane also walked at a decent canter and a good steady pace. He was tired by the time we returned home though.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
bad joint day
As an elderly gentleman canine, Kane has good and bad joint days on account of his arthritis. On a good joint day, Kane could walk for hours. On a bad joint day, Kane manages very slowly. Usually a bad joint day passes quickly in a matter of hours, and even minutes, but his arthritis now seems to be deteriorating.
Today was a bad joint day. A really bad joint day. Around midday, we walked to the hardware store and it wasn't any warmer than yesterday. As we approached traffic lights to cross the big road on the way to the store, Kane's back legs seized up and wobbled as he walked. We couldn't turn back as it was a shorter distance to the store where he could rest.
After I finished at the store with wood, screws etc, we walked home very slowly. Unfortunately, walking across the road was also very slow. I feared that he would collapse on a busy road, and he is too heavy to carry.
I spent the late afternoon repairing the side fence/gate (screwing new pailings to cover up the gap under the fence/gate) and painting it some more. There is no point in padlocking a gate if intruders can put their hand under and lift the latch and push both sides of the gate in (making a padlock redundant).
Kane supervised me while I painted, by lying on the drive way. He saw Dusty from across the road and almost barked, but changed his mind when he realised he knew Dusty.
Tonight, two hours after his dinner, we started on the small block walk - safer as there is no big road to cross (there is one, but it is to a cul de sac). Unfortunately, Kane was still a bit wobbly so we went back inside the house - we didn't even leave our yard.
We are going to have to go to the vet next week. It would break my heart to see Kane go lame. He really enjoys his walks.
Today was a bad joint day. A really bad joint day. Around midday, we walked to the hardware store and it wasn't any warmer than yesterday. As we approached traffic lights to cross the big road on the way to the store, Kane's back legs seized up and wobbled as he walked. We couldn't turn back as it was a shorter distance to the store where he could rest.
After I finished at the store with wood, screws etc, we walked home very slowly. Unfortunately, walking across the road was also very slow. I feared that he would collapse on a busy road, and he is too heavy to carry.
I spent the late afternoon repairing the side fence/gate (screwing new pailings to cover up the gap under the fence/gate) and painting it some more. There is no point in padlocking a gate if intruders can put their hand under and lift the latch and push both sides of the gate in (making a padlock redundant).
Kane supervised me while I painted, by lying on the drive way. He saw Dusty from across the road and almost barked, but changed his mind when he realised he knew Dusty.
Tonight, two hours after his dinner, we started on the small block walk - safer as there is no big road to cross (there is one, but it is to a cul de sac). Unfortunately, Kane was still a bit wobbly so we went back inside the house - we didn't even leave our yard.
We are going to have to go to the vet next week. It would break my heart to see Kane go lame. He really enjoys his walks.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
almost a Kane Day Saturday
The early mornings have fallen by the wayside. Still, today was a decent day.
Around midday we walked to the shops for the regular Saturday shop walk. At the shops, after we had completed the circuit of the outside in the usual counter-clockwise direction, we bumped into Coco a young one year old (her birthday was today) chocolate Labrador. We met her once before, probably at the Dog's Day Out. She also had the purple collar and lead by Rogz, which was why I thought it might have been Bruno.
After that bit of excitement, and during which Kane chose to lie on the ground and rest, we walked home via the alleys.
This afternoon, Deborah's son Gareth and his father Oscar were in the front yard, to clear the garden debris. I told Kane we had visitors in the yard, so he looked from the front screen door and barked. Several times.
Later in the evening we walked to Cook oval and then continued along the short shop walk route and then back via the alleys. It was a little quicker than via the woods. It was a good walk, despite being slightly warm, Kane was in a walking mood.
Tonight I gave him vegetables and another lamb shank for dinner. It's good to make him work for his dinner from time to time.
Around midday we walked to the shops for the regular Saturday shop walk. At the shops, after we had completed the circuit of the outside in the usual counter-clockwise direction, we bumped into Coco a young one year old (her birthday was today) chocolate Labrador. We met her once before, probably at the Dog's Day Out. She also had the purple collar and lead by Rogz, which was why I thought it might have been Bruno.
After that bit of excitement, and during which Kane chose to lie on the ground and rest, we walked home via the alleys.
This afternoon, Deborah's son Gareth and his father Oscar were in the front yard, to clear the garden debris. I told Kane we had visitors in the yard, so he looked from the front screen door and barked. Several times.
Later in the evening we walked to Cook oval and then continued along the short shop walk route and then back via the alleys. It was a little quicker than via the woods. It was a good walk, despite being slightly warm, Kane was in a walking mood.
Tonight I gave him vegetables and another lamb shank for dinner. It's good to make him work for his dinner from time to time.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jet's visit
This morning was a normal start to the day, with a small block walk.
After returning home from work, I fell asleep at one stage.
We also went on our walk late, an hour after dinner. It wasn't much of a walk. Two houses up, we saw people with torches in Jet's front yard. It was Therese's neighbours trying to find their cat.
I offered, and brought Jet back. It was a challenge trying to get Jet to sit still.
Dee came over later to collect Jet and Kane barked at her at the door. It was getting late, so Kane and I didn't continue on our walk. Jet's visit was a bit of excitement in itself.
After returning home from work, I fell asleep at one stage.
We also went on our walk late, an hour after dinner. It wasn't much of a walk. Two houses up, we saw people with torches in Jet's front yard. It was Therese's neighbours trying to find their cat.
I offered, and brought Jet back. It was a challenge trying to get Jet to sit still.
Dee came over later to collect Jet and Kane barked at her at the door. It was getting late, so Kane and I didn't continue on our walk. Jet's visit was a bit of excitement in itself.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
dull day
Poor puppy. We only walked the small block this morning.
When I returned home from work, I fell asleep on the couch for 30 minutes. Surely a sign to have a rest day. Hence, we didn't go on an evening walk.
I gave Kane a fresh lamb shank for dinner, after he had some cooked vegetables first (the only way to give him his tablets and Sasha's blend. With all the bones he gets, and the chicken wings in the morning, he is certainly exercising his jaws and using all his teeth.
When I returned home from work, I fell asleep on the couch for 30 minutes. Surely a sign to have a rest day. Hence, we didn't go on an evening walk.
I gave Kane a fresh lamb shank for dinner, after he had some cooked vegetables first (the only way to give him his tablets and Sasha's blend. With all the bones he gets, and the chicken wings in the morning, he is certainly exercising his jaws and using all his teeth.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
finally, the big block walk
This morning, we went on the usual small block walk. Nothing exciting happened along the way like yesterday.
After work, Deborah (Deb Deb) and Gareth came back with me. They hadn't been for awhile and had never met Kane. Gareth will be back tomorrow to do some gardening out the front. Kane will only be able to see from the deck through the gate.
This evening, Emily came over for dinner (roast pork, roast pumpkin, couscous and asparagus) but Kane did not bark when she came to the door.
This evening, Kane had his dinner before the people. Lucky dog! After we had finished our dinner and Kane had had an hour's rest after dinner, we went on the big block walk. It has been nearly a month since we walked that route. Unfortunately, we didn't come across any friendly neighbourhood canines.
After work, Deborah (Deb Deb) and Gareth came back with me. They hadn't been for awhile and had never met Kane. Gareth will be back tomorrow to do some gardening out the front. Kane will only be able to see from the deck through the gate.
This evening, Emily came over for dinner (roast pork, roast pumpkin, couscous and asparagus) but Kane did not bark when she came to the door.
This evening, Kane had his dinner before the people. Lucky dog! After we had finished our dinner and Kane had had an hour's rest after dinner, we went on the big block walk. It has been nearly a month since we walked that route. Unfortunately, we didn't come across any friendly neighbourhood canines.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
new bowl
This morning, we walked around the block as usual. We bumped into Tosca at the alley way - he was accompanied by an older lady, so his usual guardian must be away. Tosca was really pleased to see Kane and wanted to play. We continued around and bumped into him again. His minder was looking for Cook oval.
This afternoon, Stephen from work came over for a quick visit. Kane barked when he arrived at the door. After he left, CQ came over (for dinner). Kane greeted him at the door but didn't bark at all. Perhaps it was because he was familiar with CQ, but then Kane does bark when Emily arrives.
I bought a new food bowl for Kane today. It is a Breville roasting dish (heavy) that was on sale with 40 per cent off, and the perfect size for holding Kane's dinner.
new dish christened with fresh uncooked mince/ground meat, cooked carrots, zucchini, cauliflower and English spinach

the Epribrom tablet on the floor was returned to the dish for eating

Unfortunately with visitors, we didn't get the chance to go on another walk.
Taking anti-histamines and drinking red wine also made me sleepy.
This afternoon, Stephen from work came over for a quick visit. Kane barked when he arrived at the door. After he left, CQ came over (for dinner). Kane greeted him at the door but didn't bark at all. Perhaps it was because he was familiar with CQ, but then Kane does bark when Emily arrives.
I bought a new food bowl for Kane today. It is a Breville roasting dish (heavy) that was on sale with 40 per cent off, and the perfect size for holding Kane's dinner.
new dish christened with fresh uncooked mince/ground meat, cooked carrots, zucchini, cauliflower and English spinach
the Epribrom tablet on the floor was returned to the dish for eating
Unfortunately with visitors, we didn't get the chance to go on another walk.
Taking anti-histamines and drinking red wine also made me sleepy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mondays are the best days.
Our Mondays are getting repetitive, but in a good way.
This morning, we went on the small block walk before I left for work. Today was also big bone day. Kane normally gets a quarter of a beef bone in the mornings on Thursdays, Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays (with a pig's ear on Wednesdays). At the farmers' market on Saturday, I picked up a bone (only cut lengthwise to expose the marrow) from the saltbush lamb people. We gave half to Jet yesterday.
After I returned home from work (late as I visited the hardware store on the way), we went on our Cook oval, the woods and alleys loop walk, just like last Monday and the one before.
We didn't see anybody at the oval, but as we started leaving Molly arrived. We also met a new Golden Retriever called Min (or Ming). Kel soon arrived, but we left to continue through the woods and then the alleys on the way home.
We must have spent some time at Cook oval as our outing took 55 minutes, 15 minutes longer than usual.
This morning, we went on the small block walk before I left for work. Today was also big bone day. Kane normally gets a quarter of a beef bone in the mornings on Thursdays, Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays (with a pig's ear on Wednesdays). At the farmers' market on Saturday, I picked up a bone (only cut lengthwise to expose the marrow) from the saltbush lamb people. We gave half to Jet yesterday.
After I returned home from work (late as I visited the hardware store on the way), we went on our Cook oval, the woods and alleys loop walk, just like last Monday and the one before.
We didn't see anybody at the oval, but as we started leaving Molly arrived. We also met a new Golden Retriever called Min (or Ming). Kel soon arrived, but we left to continue through the woods and then the alleys on the way home.
We must have spent some time at Cook oval as our outing took 55 minutes, 15 minutes longer than usual.
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