Tuesday, December 9, 2008

stop the noise

Today was a better joint day.

This morning, we went on our usual small block walk before I left for work.

I also surprised Kane by returning home early, prior to 1pm. I found him lying on brick paving outside of the deck area. It must be a nice and cool spot.

Soon after, the alarm technician arrived to install a burglar alarm system. Kane barked at him at the door, and all without my prompting. Later, another technician arrived and it took two of them three hours to do the job, which involved a lot of wiring.

At one stage, the alarm was tested - with a loud high pitch siren going inside and outside the house. Kane didn't seem to take any notice, the pitch may be too high for his hearing in old age.

Later in the afternoon, we walked to Cook oval where we saw and greeted Tai and Margot, and then walked home again, the short way. It was a moderate meandering walk to give Kane's joints a rest, but still exercise them.

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