Thursday, December 11, 2008

more strange people

Today was nearly an exciting day.

The morning small block walk is now firmly entrenched in our daily routine.

I returned home earlier today, accompanied by Leigh who is visiting from Brisbane for training. Not only that, but two people from the RSPCA were waiting, and came in as well. They were dressed in suits. One was Louise whom I arranged a few weeks ago to visit, and she had brought Michael the Chief Executive. They were early. I donated the rest of my extensive coin collection to the RSPCA and they came today to collect. They also liked meeting Kane. Leigh thought I might have been in trouble with them until I explained the purpose of their visit.

After they left, Leigh and I had a drink on the deck. I enjoy catching up with Leigh who is great value. Kane took a liking to him. Then Leigh left.

Later on, Emily came over for dinner and Kane barked at her at the door. I made roast turkey hindquarter, roast unpeeled potatoes and unpeeled butternut pumpkin, and blanched asparagus. Kane had his dinner before us, which was cold baked Gemfish fillet (from last night).

An hour or so after dinner, we walked to the shops and back. It was for more milk. Kane tired towards the end as we were near home. Poor puppy. I don't think he can walk as far as he used to.

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