Friday, December 26, 2008

the bone fiend and chatty Kane

This morning we went on the small walk around the block while it was still cool. Kim came over in the late morning and both Kane and Jazz barked at the door. I then left with Kim for a few hours for lunch. I had given both a bone each before Kim arrived. Kane had started on a marrow bone while Jazz ignored her knuckle. Kane then left his marrow and started on the knuckle while Jazz took to Kane's marrow bone. It was funny to watch.

Jazz is also a bone fiend who is very possessive of her bones and carries it around. The other day she even buried one. I have also had to tell her not to bring them inside the house.

I returned later in the afternoon, but it was still quite warm. Both had an early dinner and after a rest we went on our loop walk to Cook oval, then along the path next to the woods (it was becoming too dark to traipse through the 'forest'), and the alleys home. Strangely, it still took 40 minutes.

Before our walk though, Kane started barking while on the deck, with Scotch next door barking back. I opened the front door and Kane continued barking while looking out the front screen door. I think he was telling everybody something as he was quite chatty. He knows if he barks that I will look to see what gained his attention.



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