Early this morning (but at a decent hour) we went on the shop walk, but took a different route. We walked the long way there through the series of alley ways, then after my quick shop we walked around the outside of the complex in the opposite direction than usual before taking a shorter way back.
After an hour rest, Margie arrived (Kane barked) and we went together with Lola the Golden Retriever to the local Dogs' Day Out, which was the official opening of a new (enclosed) dog park. Lola was so excited to have Kane in the car with her.
location of the new dog park (the space under the A)

The Dogs' Day Out was really exciting. There were lots of dogs partying. Lola had a blast going into the lake, but Kane refused to go in.
today's portrait
Kane met lots of interesting dogs. We only saw and met two other German Shepherds but there were plenty of Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Beagles and even Airedale Terriers. None of our usual neighbourhood canines were there. Kane had a doggacino (frothed soymilk with liver sprinkles) from a stall there.
After an hour and a half (or so) we left. By then Kane had partied enough.
We had a few hours rest in the afternoon, or rather Kane did while I cleaned some windows (using Selleys Liquid Soap, and then Windex).
At 3pm, a Golden Retriever called Jazz (three years old) came to visit with her people, Lois and her son Adrian. She had a lot of fun exploring and then we went for a walk around the little block - I held Jazz by the lead while Kane walked unleashed at his own pace. Jazz will be staying over during the week over Christmas while her people are away, and the visit was to see how Kane would share his space with a new dog.
Then at 4.20pm, Jet the German Shepherd from two doors up came to visit with Therese and Dee. Jet had fun running around the yard while us humans had wine and assorted cheeses.
As if the day couldn't get more exciting, Jake came over to visit. Sue was taking him to Cook oval after a bath.
Jet and Jake then chased each other in the yard, and Kane decided to join them. There was too much running around, so Jake and Sue left to continue their walk.
I don't know who had more excitement today - me or Kane. We had three outings and had three dogs visit our house. I fell asleep on the couch later in the afternoon, foregoing more painting of the rest of the gate/fence.
Although Kane barked this morning when Margie came to the door, he didn't bark at any other visitors for the rest of the day. He must have had too much fun at the park.
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