Monday, April 21, 2008

puppy party

We went to Cook oval this evening and there was a big puppy party on.

Party pooches included Buffy the Dobermann, Pepper the brindle coloured Staffordshire Terrier Mastiff puppy, Gypsy the Shih Tzu Maltese, Taz the Cocker Spaniel and Zulu the Spoodle.

There were also two new dogs Dandy a Fox Terrier cross and Bika a Chihuahua. Jaz the Kelpie came later on and Melba the Border Collie made a quick appearance. A large Labradoodle also came by on his way somewhere.

Kane did a lot of running around chasing after Molly and Pepper.

We returned home when it became dark instead of continuing on a further walk as Kane actually did a lot of running around at the oval chasing after Molly and Pepper.

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