Sunday, April 20, 2008

double the fun

I returned at 5.30pm from the airport and immediately took Kane on a walk.

Dogs are always happy to see their people return home, unlike cats who are able to somehow endear a guilt trip. I always felt guilty leaving Keiser, even just to go to work. She so enjoyed just laying on my lap or being cuddled. Still, I still felt guilty leaving Kane.

We walked to Macquarie oval and joined in a little puppy party with Jack the Jack Russell terrier cross and Viva the blond Labrador. We didn't stay long as I wanted to walk Kane a bit further.

We set of towards home then walked past and continued on to Cook oval. On the way, we met Sully a cattle dog (also 15 years old) who was pretty excited to meet another elderly gentleman canine. Sully wanted to play just like a puppy. Sully's person and I exchanged notes about canine old age ailments and arthritis remedies. Hopefully, we'll bump into Sully again.

It became dark but we continued on to the oval but there was nobody there. So we went home. A walk to both ovals in the same walk. Double the fun.

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