Monday, December 7, 2009

barely Monday

Poor puppy, everything is such an effort now.

This morning, Kane hardly moved.  He moved from one spot to another in the hall way by one body length and that tired him and he barely moved afterwards.  I wasn't able to make a veterinary appointment house call today so made one for Wednesday.

I gave Kane a little bit of water in his spot and then had to leave him for work.  Poor puppy.

When I returned home from work, Kane had moved to the dining area - it's a great vantage point from which to survey the house.  It would have taken him a lot of effort to move about 8 metres.

I gave Kane his dinner of cooked kangaroo mince and rice but Kane wanted to go out the back. Instead, I encouraged him to go out the front.  As soon as he was on the landing of the steps, Kane did a wee.  I led Kane down the steps, which are less steep than the back deck ones and into the yard and he did another wee.  Poor puppy then laid down.  It must have been tiring.  I had to wash the wee off the front steps with water and then led Kane back up.  Poor puppy could barely make it up and at the first step, finally let out a poo.  Good dog - he hadn't done one for nearly two days.  Unfortunately, Kane could not go up the steps and I had to lift him a bit at a time.

Despite the smaller amount of food served, Kane didn't finish his dinner and left a little bit.

I have the next two days off work to spend at home with Kane.   Poor puppy, his joints are failing.  Kane is such a loyal canine, I hope he is not hanging on despite the pain for my sake.

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