Wednesday, August 5, 2009

finally the triple

Poor puppy, he wanted to stay inside today. On Wednesdays Kane has a piece of a dried pig's ear (not a whole one anymore as I fear he may choke) as four quarters of a beef marrow bone bought Wednesdays only lasts Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. This morning when Kane finished one, he wanted to go back inside, so I had to give him another pig's ear strip. Poor puppy, he does like resting indoors, especially near me.

I returned home from work a little later today, as Wednesdays is also market day (for chicken wings and the beef bone). It was already darker at twilight. We walked around the triple small block, which took 30 minutes. Poor puppy, it is probably too far now as he started walking wobbly and slowly towards the end. For most of it though, he did walk at a good pace properly.

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