Saturday, January 3, 2009

visitors and Saturday slow day

This morning we had visitors! The front door was closed but the chime sang, so I opened the front door and Kane barked. It was Beryl and Ted who came especially to visit Kane. They used to have a German Shepherd also named Kane who died in October last year. I used to ask them to borrow their Kane on the occasional weekend.

Anyway, they remarked how similar Kane is to their late Kane in temperament. They still miss their Kane. He was also a lovely dog.

After Beryl and Ted left, Kane and I walked to the shops. It was the short way both ways as it felt warmer, even if the temperature was 25 degrees Celsius.

A few passersby walked past the front today, eliciting barks from Kane as he eyed them from the front door.

This evening, we didn't go on a walk making today a rest day.

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