This morning, we walked the long way to Macquarie oval (though there was no puppy party in session), on to the hardware store, then the market. At the market, we went to see Splat the resident cat at the pet store. The staff had a fuss over Kane, especially Chris who has five Boxers and loves Germans Shepherds. A few different staff members gave Kane treats. The store also had a sale on clothing so we bought a Driza-Bone dog coat. It has two side pockets, so Kane can now help carry small items! We were out for nearly two hours.
photos taken at Macquarie oval
New coat
Today, Kane barked a few times at passersby from the house, including at two kids walking their small dog. Even without Jazz around, Kane is keeping up his sentry duties. Good dog!
We went on our evening walk early, firstly calling in to visit Jet at his house two doors up and then to Cook oval, where there was a puppy party in session, with Millhouse, Jack and Margot. Melba also soon arrived.
It was a great party and a great day.
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