Tuesday, January 27, 2009

summer sucks

This morning Kane barked at me. I thought he was looking through the front door, but he was looking at me in the kitchen when he barked. He looked at me and then at the front door. It was very clear that he wanted to go on a walk. So we did.

It was just around the small block and before I left for work. It was also overcast (cloudy) and cooler. Halfway, we met Lewis the Golden Retriever whom we met on Sunday. His people (a father and child in a stroller) were returning from the shops.

It was quite warm when I returned home from work. We didn't go on our walk until late tonight, but it was only past two houses. Kane's knee was not bending and he seemed very stiff so we turned around and returned home. Poor puppy.

The rest of the week is going to be even worse with a week long heatwave - every day up to and including Sunday has been forecast at 36 degrees Celsius (around 97 degrees Fahrenheit).

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