Monday, July 21, 2008

not-attack dog

Tonight we only walked around the block. I had intended the big block walk, but it was too cold to stay out for that long.

Anyway, I was telling Kane about German Shepherds working with the British Army in Afghanistan, but he couldn't understand why they would attack other people, or do work for that matter. Kane thinks all dogs should just want to make friends with other dogs and humans.

Dogs from the Royal Army Veterinary Regiment have been helping troops on the dangerous frontline in Helmand province, Afghanistan

Steve Purdy, one of the dog handlers based at Musa Quala, works with Reese, a three-year-old attack dog

The Royal Army Veterinarian Regiment support troops of 5 Scots regiment and the IED Disposal Team based at Musa Quala

The dogs, trained in attack or bomb detection, proove extremely valuable in the dangerous region

Lance Cpl. Shaun Cheetham conducts attack training with Reese


1 comment:

Eat. Poop. Play said...

Kane is absolutely gorgeous and lucky to have such a wonderful owner who obviously loves him very much.