Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Poor Kane, I didn't take him out for a walk as soon as I returned home from work. I spent that time preparing vegetables for baking.

While dinner was in the oven, Emily arrived and we went for the minimum walk around the block.

Kane has been walking with a slight limp in his front paws since early this week. Oddly, he can still do his little runs without limping. It is either arthritis or the lump of fatty tissue near his shoulder is affecting his joints.

We are going to the vet on Saturday morning for a check up.


liz888 said...

Hi Daniel,
Let me know what the vet thinks about Kane's limp. He seems to be getting younger by the day. Maybe I should come and get some liver treats and exercise. It sounds like a spa to me.


ACT said...


I've made some pig skin treats as well. Hmmmm... crackling.