Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This morning when I left for work, Kane waited behind the gate to see me depart, laying down. Just as I crossed the road, I remembered not taking my normal glasses, so returned home. I had a peek behind the gate and Kane had stood up to move. Now I know that once he sees me depart for work, he doesn't sit behind the gate for long.

This afternoon when I returned from work, Kane was laying on his cool spot under the bathroom window. CQ came later in the evening for a dinner of sausages and boiled potatoes and peas, then a viewing of a very scary film, One Missed Call.

Tonight, after his dinner and regular as clockwork, Kane walked down off the deck to do his pee and poo. I thought he was taking a bit long so checked on him and he was laying with his head up in the yard. I called him in, but he stumbled at the deck steps. Poor puppy, I had to help him up the steps. I used to panic when Kane first started stumbling, but it's a sign of his age and that he does need extra attention and help.

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