Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday happenings

Kane finally had a morning walk. Kane also had two walks.

Early this morning, after 9am, which is still early for a Saturday, Brendan and Lavinia came over to collect their belongings, which had been stored in the garage/shed. There was a lot of activity and Kane watched it through the front screen door but didn't bark. While they were here, we went on a walk around the small block.

Later, after Brendan and Lavinia had finished, I trimmed the hedge by the driveway and then left Kane at home and walked to the shops. It is now too much of a distance for him to walk. Poor puppy. Poor me - I am so used to taking Kane to the shops as part of my Saturday routine.

In the afternoon, we went on another small block walk.

Today, in addition to some gardening, I also made another batch of Kane's dinners. I had actually made some last night, but the meat smelled off. Kangaroo mince does have a strong smell, but this was something else altogether. Even though wild dogs and wolves eat decaying carcasses of animals, I didn't want to risk it.

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