Saturday, July 11, 2009

shift walks

Poor puppy, yesterday's big block was probably too much for him and he was a little sore today.

In the early afternoon, we left Lola at home in the backyard and walked to the shops the short way there and back. It was quite a slow walk, nearly 30 minutes each way, but Kane does like to come to the shops with me.

After I returned home, I left Kane by the front door, looking out through the screen door, while Lola and I then went for a walk at a faster pace. As Lola and I walked past the front, Kane barked. Good dog!

Lola and I walked via the double small block to Cook oval and back. At Lola's place, it took 20 minutes, but it is now a rather long walk for Kane.

Though Kane enjoys walking in a pack, it takes quite an effort to control Lola on the leash, which in turn means Kane's special needs could get overlooked.

Lola is still enjoying her stay including running to the neighbouring fences to bark at the dogs next door and behind.

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