Monday, June 22, 2009

rice run-out ruins routine

Poor puppy, we didn't go on a walk as soon as I returned home from work as I had to make more batches of his dinners. Despite walking to the shops twice during the weekend, I had forgotten brown rice so could not cook up any last night.

Anyway, Kane's regular diet of brown rice, cabbage, carrot and kangaroo mince takes time to cook and then cool down. Cabbage and carrot in particular need to be cooked well otherwise it is almost indigestible and causes farting. Amazingly, Kane does not fart from this diet, but farts if he eats commercial tinned dog food.

We nearly had a rest day, but sometime after dinner we went on the small block walk, which took only 10 minutes. It was cold, dark and foggy. Kane looked very smart in his canine coat like a detective about to solve a crime.

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