Friday, June 12, 2009

resumption of duties

Today was a really cold day and was under 4° C (39° F) for much of the day. Unlike summer where it can get too hot, in winter it is never too cold for Kane.

We resumed our walk today. As we walked out of the house, a person came off the bus and walked across the road towards our side and Kane barked. Kane's barks are not aggressive or territorial but more of an announcement that he's seen them. Good dog!

Anyway, we continued walking around the triple small block. At the conclusion of the third/last block, a new footpath across an alley way was opened. It means the entire walk is now concreted. The old path was dug up and we had to walk on dirt for the last couple of weeks.

It was a good walk as usual even though it was bitterly cold.

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