Saturday, January 24, 2009

finally a puppy party

Poor puppy. I did intend an early morning walk, but opted for doing laundry instead. In the end, it warmed up and I walked to the shops alone early in the early afternoon, somewhat guiltily for not taking Kane. In any case, it felt rather strange going to the shops alone.

This evening, we walked to Cook shops to find a puppy party in session. There was even a greeting party with Tosca, Margot, Tai and a new canine called Lucy. Lucy is Margot's new sister, a rescue from the RSPCA.

It was a fun session though we didn't stay long, perhaps 10 minutes. We then walked home without going via the woods and alleys.

Kane barked at a few passersby today from his vantage through the front screen door. I cannot work out whether he is issuing invitations or warnings.

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