Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday super walk

We had a super walk this evening. Rain has been forecast for the remainder of the week including the weekend, so I thought we had better go on a long walk.

Anyway, we walked to the next suburb on a surprise visit to Kane's family and Lola. We took the short way to the shops, then went to Aranda oval, and continued on a path that ended right next to their house. The walk took 40 minutes and the path from the oval was uphill.

When we arrived, I rang the doorbell and asked "does Lola live here?" and she even greeted us at the door, but not before barking.

We didn't stay long, only 10 minutes. Long enough for a quick tour of the house. We gave Lola some dried liver jerky treats. She was excited, but Kane was content to find one of her bones and chomp away in the backyard.

The walk back also took 40 minutes, even though we took another route along a road (the footpath).

We left at 5.55pm and returned home at 7.25pm. It was a nice long outing.

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