Sunday, September 14, 2008

Momo behaving badly

This morning Momo came over just before 10am to stay over for the day.

When Momo and Mary arrived, Kane barked at the door. Actually Kane didn't hear the door chime until I told him we had visitors.

Momo was a very silly puppy and followed Kane everywhere. He ran around in circles and chased air. Eventually, I put him outside on the deck by himself until he calmed down.

It rained all morning and stopped in the afternoon. Kane, Momo and I then walked to Cook shops. I had to tie both of them to a post while I went in to buy a packet of brown rice. When I came outside, Momo was barking at two people going to their car. Such a naughty dog.

Momo also pulled on the lead and took no notice of how well behaved Kane was walking without a lead.

Mary came over at 5pm to take Momo home. I think Kane was relieved.

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