Later this morning, Margie came over and we took Kane to the vet. Kane met two dogs there, one before his appointment and one afterwards.
The vet said that Kane's limp is due to arthritis and gave him an injection of Pentosan 100 (sodium pentosan polysulfate). Kane has to return to the vet for three more injections at weekly intervals. The vet also suggested marine based products, so it was good that Kane already takes Sasha's blend and cod liver oil.
Kane is also on the heavier side at 45.2 kg (nearly 100 lb), but the vet said that at Kane's age, not to put him on a crash diet. I will just gradually reduce the amount I give him. Poor puppy, he loves food!
Kane is also on Desmopressin (an anti-diuretic hormone replacement) for Diabetes Inspidus, which also required a new prescription.
The last ailment we told the vet about was Kane's epilepsy which is being treated with Potassium Bromide.

Early in the afternoon, Kane and I walked to the shops. Strolled more like it, as the vet said a gentle walk. We met a very friendly German Shepherd cross who was very fawn in colour like a Corgi. The dog still had balls but submitted to Kane and wanted to play. We walked back via the green way.
This evening, Devi came over for dinner but wanted to go for a walk to buy wine, so we walked to Cook shops via Cook oval. There was a huge puppy party in session, most of whom came to Kane as if he was a movie star celebrity when we arrived. There were a number of new dogs including Millhouse a Labradoodle who was obsessed with balls. I had to make sure that Kane didn't run around too vigorously. Despite his arthritis, it would be cruel to deprive Kane of his attendance at puppy parties.
A day full of excitement but still not quite a Kane Day.
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