We walked to the local shops as I had to go to the post office to post a letter. From there, we continued on to the markets. Our first stop was the pet store to say hello to Splat the resident cat. Unfortunately, it was also the time that Splat had to be imprisoned for the night (store staff mentioned that it was necessary or he would set off the alarm). I'm also going to try Kane on super premium Advance dry dog food, the best product on the market, after his other packet is finished. It has added ingredients for joint health similar to Sasha's blend.

While Kane was tied to a seat, I also stocked up on his (weekly) beef bones from Eco Meats, chicken wings from Market Gourmet chicken shop, and a pig trotter from Hing Wong Butchery.
I also mentioned to Brian from Market Gourmet to go and say hello to Kane, where he was tied up (he knows the wings are for Kane), and a few minutes later, he brought Kane over to me on the lead (the floor where Kane was tied was being cleaned, and I was minding the shop for him). Oh dear! Kane let a complete stranger untie him and take him by the lead! I shall have to train Kane to snarl at would-be dog-nappers!
On the way home from the markets, we stopped by the house of Tess the Border Collie and she came out to say hello to Kane. We also walked past Macquarie oval, but it was getting dark by then and nobody was around.
Here is a map of our walk (click to enlarge).

deer daniel,
dat wuzza long walk dat u an kane took. maybe u can take a walk to da grate state uv noo york an come to see me. how long do u think dat walk wood take?!
pee ess--thank u fer tellin me wut "eye candy" iz.
Thanks for the new map now I can see how far you walked. It is great to hear all about Kane and see the lovely pictures of him calmly sitting by the cat. Dad always thought he would chase cats, but he is just interested in a gentlemanly way.
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