Thursday, March 13, 2008

why is summer still here?

We are having a warm week. Last night I left Kane outside on the deck as it was much cooler, and he had a big bone for company.

This morning, I left Kane indoors when I left for work. He attempted to bring his big bone inside, but I told him no. Then I thought better of it and brought it in for him on old newspapers on the kitchen floor.

When I returned home, he had not touched it. Poor puppy, I think I confused him. He's very good when I tell him not to bring things inside, by saying "outside" and pointing to the door.

Anyway, we didn't go on our walk until the sun fully set tonight, given the temperature. We walked a new route this time - across a park, to Klaudia's house (but she wasn't home), and a new way home.

We saw another dog walking a person. I asked her if her dog was friendly, and she said no. What is it about certain people and their mean dogs?

Anyway, if I had that much fur, I wouldn't like hot weather either.

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